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Germany, Austria, Switzerland


Walldorf, Germany

Vacuum Sewer System

The decision to equip the Walldorf-Süd development area, covering 40 hectares with approxi-mately 1,000 residential units and 3,000 inhabitants, with Roediger® vacuum technology was made in 2008. Key criteria such as environmental protection (exfiltration-proof pipe network), cost benefits, and free scalability for connecting further construction phases to the network were decisive. In 2020, the new Roediger® shaft management technology (RSMS) was also implemented for the expansion of the construction area. RSMS ensures efficient and convenient surveil-lance of the system. Error-free monitoring, very short response times, and fast, cost-effective up-grades highlight the high potential of this technology. RSMS is therefore planned for retrofitting existing connections.

Special Highlights

  • Introduction of the new Roediger® chamber management system RSMS together with an ex-filtration-proof pipe network
  • 40 hectares area with 1,000 residential units and approx. 3,000 inhabitants
  • 3,750 meters pipeline length; up to 256 chambers per unit possible
  • Commissioning: 2011
  • Efficient and convenient monitoring of the entire infrastructure (remote)
  • Short response times and reduced on-site deployment costs thanks to automatic troubleshooting
  • Simple programming, control, and monitoring via smartphone
